Sunday, March 8, 2009

Health Clubs are strange creatures

Health clubs are their own species. They feed on the masses, slowly digesting their insecurities and obsessions. Distracting us with flat-screen T.V.'s.
That's my favorite part. Everyone is plugged in (a bunch of cyborgs recharging their warped perspectives, and being drained energetically all at the same time... cool) they've got the white wire i-pod connection, hands gripping tight to metal plates monitoring their heart rates as they run...uh, no where... staring blankly at the flat T.V.
One plays Dr. Phil (the scourge of good doctors everywhere) one tuned onto TLC, and the other on the News.
Hey. There's that Obama guy, hey there are some people that killed each other in an ally, and a grocery store that was robbed, and a woman that thinks she's a baby factory... oh wow, she's on Dr. Phil as well! Hey, there's that Obama guy AGAIN, oh wait no, false alarm, that's just a commercial for the collectors Commemorative Obama Plate.
There are even people in little glass boxes playing a 3D interactive version of Pong (complete with authentic classic sound effects - seriously, I play racket ball and it sounds exactly like pong inside).
Yes I am one of the faithful snacks of the Health Club. I participate in the "running no where fast" activity (sounds like a bad country song) and the iron pumping. I drip sweat on the floor, I'm part of the club's foundation now. That's why I can speak out about it. It's all I can do. Make observations. I'm not trying to be a hypocrite I'm just making an observation. I knowingly participate due to one simple fact of life.
I live in Minnesota and it's winter time ... nuf said.
I can't think of anything else to do
I live in an apartment
it feels good to get off my ass

If I had a yard or a house to take care of I would, but my guess is that even that wouldn't be enough because more than half the people in the club have houses and yards and they coem to this place more than I do. No, I think I would need a farm and like 2 cows and a few sheep and a horse to fill the hours. Okay that is probably an exaggeration, all that responsibility would most likely kill me, but you get the point.

I have no point to this little rant except that it is a stupid little something, really stupid, I know because I got bored with writing it about half way into it. HA!

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