Friday, November 20, 2009

Introducing Blod: Star Trek and Universal Health Care.

Allow me to explain away my title. “Blod… not Blog” works on many personal levels that are not difficult to explain. First of all blod is the first part of my last name, which is appropriate on so many levels in-so-far as serving as the title; a) in old English it is the term for blood, b) in German, add a horizontal colon [:] over the ‘o’ and you have the word meaning silly or idiotic. And as I see it, most blogs I have experienced and especially the ones I write, seem to be a hemorrhaging (excessive amounts of blood) of silly or idiotic opinions, emotions, and sometimes useless facts, thus I deem the terms virtually interchangeable.
So, as if destiny had planned it all the long, I shall call my blog “blod”, because it basically means the same thing. In the end.

Good, I'm glad we got that part is out of the way. Notice I use the term "we"? That is because for some reason I am operating under the impression that someone will want to read my blod in the first place. Also, I write in this addressing/conversational manner because I have so many questions about the things I see and what I experience and am curious if others are experiencing it the same way I am.

First up. I want to talk about the new Star Trek coming out on DVD followed by a short discussion of universal health care.

I love Star Trek! Think the new movie is fantastic! Hats off to J.J. Abrams for making it his own by creating a new series of events. A WHOLE NEW TIME LINE to play with. WHAT! Awesome. And all the actors did such a great job of channeling the original characters and tweaking them ever so slightly to fit the new era. I really enjoy watching it over and over again. Nero is a bit of a tool though, I mean seriously? His planet is still going to blow up due to natural disaster, was it absolutely necessary for him to take out the entire planet Vulcan? No. I don't think so, I'm still a little put out that they blew up Vulcan, not to mention Spock's mother. And "red matter" what the hell is "red matter" why is it red? Why not blue or green or even black if the thing makes black holes? Also, why is there such a huge ass ball of it in Old Spock's space ship if they only need a tiny bit; which, they demonstrated can be transported in it's own little container?

So, yes there are a few things in the film that don't necessarily add up, and I'm sure I'm missing a few things here and there, but, like with universal health care, overall, I think it's good (sweet transition huh?;). Because in the end, instead of only a percentage of the country getting really good health care, everyone gets decent/mediocre health care. Which seems to work fine for Canada and a lot of European countries (though they are a little too dependent on government spending, however...). I think that UHC can work, but it will take time and some tweaking within other areas of our system. We can't just throw it into our current system and really expect it to work to it's full potential. Also, considering the economic issues of today, more people are going to need at least some kind of affordable health care.

Basically, I think it's time for the US to admit imperfection and join the rest of the world in mediocrity.

Star Trek Rules!

*personal note: You know you love me Jess! I did this just for you. ;)


Jess said...

i do love you. and i shall follow your blog. even though you're crazy.

Jill-Marie said...

Even crazy people need bold followers :)