Sunday, November 22, 2009

of free time and Netflix

You’d be surprised, but having three part time jobs still allows quite a bit of free time. And while I should be using that time, probably, to look for and apply to jobs; a lot of the time finds its self on Netflix. Don’t get me wrong, about half of it is used looking for that singular job that will offer compensation to match (if not surpass) the three I currently have. It’s just that it gets a little old applying to positions that are not going to hire you or ever indicate that they even got your application OR they will send that annoying drone rejection email (I really hate that email). So, it’s not for a lack of trying, it’s more like a lack of enthusiasm over being rejected, again. At least that is the excuse I am sticking too this week.

I really don’t care about transitioning back to Netflix smoothly, so I’ll just get to it. Netflix is probably the greatest things ever, especially the Instant play option. I find myself watching a variety of new, old, and already seen films a lot these days. It’s great because you don’t have to physically get up and go rent them, and you don’t have to store them and carry them with you when you move; which is a bigger pain in the ass than most might realize. You always end up losing one, and then three months later when you really want to watch it you think, “Okay, I guess I’ll unpack that stupid box now”, only to find the movie is not in there and then you think, “Shit, I bet my old roommate has it.” So you call and say, “Hey? How’s your new place working out?... yeah, I don’t really care, where the hell is my movie?! I know you have it, you watched it more that I did you thief.” Okay, so maybe you don’t say that exactly, but you’re probably thinking it. So, no, they don’t have it, it’s gone forever, or until you buy it AGAIN. But wait! There is this glorious new option. You can just watch it any time you want on Instant Play via Netflix. Thank God! ;)

I’m not really sure how that last paragraph happened, and I feel like I should apologize for it. Don’t you just hate that feeling? It’s hard to shake; it usually takes a few days, or like two minutes to pass. Anyway, movie moving was not going to be my goal for this blod. I did want to talk about a movie I just watched on Netflix called “Ink”. Anyone ever heard of that one before? Because I hadn’t, and I’m pretty sure it’s amazing. I can’t be positive until I watch it again and figure out what it all means. It’s kind of like how I experienced Donnie Darko. I wasn’t prepared for it to be so complicated and crazy so I was only half paying attention the first forty-five minutes, and then half way through the movie take a moment to think "what the fuck is going on!?" Maybe I’m the only one that happens too, I’d believe it, my attention span is only slightly better than a cocker spaniel puppy. Anyway, I won’t talk about the movie – yet – because I seriously want to watch it again and determine if it is worth discussing. So, do what you can to see it, because I hate having discussions with myself. Obviously.

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